Sunday, March 29, 2015

Unemployment for Veterans is a massive problem that goes far beyond the battlefield

Veterans all over the nation continue to come home from the struggles of battle to face a whole new set of problems; one of those being the large unemployment rate for soldiers returning home.

Both pictures display troops returning home but with very different stories behind them. The picture on the right displays happy soldiers being greeted by other troops and a color guard. The sky is blue and the American flag is waving in the wind which produces a very happy and proud emotion.

However, the cartoon below displays troops walking off a plane and into some sort of pipe or possibly cannon with unemployment written on the side of it. The picture is dark and gloomy as if to represent that soldiers are leaving one war and coming home to another one.
The unemployment rate for veterans is has been a major problem in the post-9/11 time period. These are two examples of how very similar pictures can portray a very different story to the viewing audience. 

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